Help us win access to licenses for undocumented immigrants in New Jersey!


For the past 2 years, immigrants have been under attack under the Trump administration. But immigrants in New Jersey are rising up to demand the right to be able to drive without fear of being arrested or detained.

Right now, legislators are considering a bill that would allow immigrant families to apply for drivers licenses. The final vote will be December 16th, but we still do not have enough votes confirmed to pass it. We need all hands on deck to make calls and pass this bill!


We need your help calling key legislators’ offices to get them to vote Yes on Licenses

Quick Instructions:

  1. Call the legislators below and ask them to support the Driver’s Licenses Bill to expand access to licenses for undocumented immigrants. These are legislators who have not yet committed to voting YES on the bill, but we think with a little more pressure, they will be on our side!

    Here’s a sample message:

    "Hi! My name is ___________ and I am calling to ask you to vote in support of the Driver 's Licenses bill to expand access to licenses for undocumented immigrants. The bill number is A4743 / S3229"

    Click the buttons below to connect to our target legislator’s offices. Please call as many legislators as you can!

  2. Let us know who you called using the quick form at the bottom of the page. Thank you for the support!


Top Priority: Undecided votes in the Senate


senator linda greenstein

Phone Number: 609-395-9911


senator James beach

Phone Number: 856-429-1572


senator fred madden

Phone Number: 856-232-6700


senator paul sarlo

Phone Number: 201-804-8118


senator joseph lagana

Phone Number: 201-576-9199


Also call: Undecided votes in the Assembly


assemblyman joseph egan

Phone Number: 732-249-4550


assemblyman john armato

Phone Number: 609-382-5421


assemblyman vincent mazzeo

Phone Number: 609-383-1388


Also call: Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin and tell him to make sure the bill has enough votes to pass!


Assemblyman craig coughlin

Phone Number: 732-855-7441


Let us know who you called and what they told you


Take action with us

Come with us to the committee hearings in Trenton on Dec 9th and Dec 12th and show your support for this bill. And help us deliver petitions to key legislators’ offices so we can get this bill passed.


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